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Judge rules Apple must face lawsuit over iPhone location data collection claims

“Apple Inc. must face a lawsuit over claims it collected data from customers’ iPhones while they used applications approved by the company, a judge ruled,” Joel Rosenblatt reports for Bloomberg.

“U.S. District Judge Lucy Koh in San Jose, California, today dismissed some of the claims in the case while allowing others to proceed to pretrial fact-finding,” Rosenblatt reports. “‘I’m going to lift any stay of discovery, and discovery is going forward,’ Koh told lawyers representing Apple and customers who filed the complaint.”

Rosenblatt reports, “Apple, through applications on iPhones, collected data on customers’ geographical locations even after users said they didn’t want to share the information, Scott Kamber, a lawyer representing customers, said in court today… Apple sought to dismiss the case based on arguments in a court filing that the customers failed to identify a ‘single, concrete injury inflicted on any one of the plaintiffs here, much less one that is traceable to defendant Apple Inc. (AAPL).'”

Read more in the full article here.

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