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No iPhone 4S ban in Italy: Italian court denies Samsung motion for preliminary injunction

“ANSA, the official Italian news agency, just reported that Judge Marina Tavassi of the Tribunale di Milano — the Milan-based Italian first-instance court for patent cases — has rejected a Samsung request for a preliminary injunction against the sale of the iPhone 4S in Italy,” Florian Mueller reports for FOSS Patents.

“Samsung brought its motion in October 2011. After a first hearing, the court decided that it would hold at least one more hearing prior to making a decision. At the time I said that ‘Samsung’s hopes for iPhone 4S injunctions in France and Italy are alive but fading,'” Mueller reports. “Now Samsung’s motions have been denied in both countries. The French decision, which I published in its entirety, came down less than a month ago.”

Mueller reports, “Samsung previously failed with a request for a preliminary injunction in the Netherlands. That one was brought before the French and Italian complaints over the iPhone 4S. Anyway, Samsung’s requests for preliminary injunctions against Apple products have so far failed in all three European countries in which they were brought.”

Much more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Steee-riii-ke three!

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Fred Mertz” for the heads up.]

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