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Why big companies can’t change

“There’s a very good TED Talk by Simon Sinek about how great leaders inspire companies by asking why? I think it also goes a long way toward explaining why big companies don’t handle change well,” Bob Cringely writes for I, Cringely. “It’s not that they can’t ask why?, it’s that the answer doesn’t make sense at their scale, though it should.”

“Looking at Apple we can see the why of the iPod and iTunes was ‘to take your entire music collection with you wherever you go,'” Cringely writes.

“Looking five years ahead for business justification isn’t done any more. Heck, five quarters is a long time in business today,” Cringely writes. “But then the average CEO tenure is also, what, four years? And that’s why big successful companies roll over and die.”

Read more in the full article here.

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