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The flaw in Samsung’s anti-iPhone commercial

“What has been the criticism of many commercials pitching cell phones, Droid’s in particular, is how they don’t market any real value to the end consumer,” Ben Bajarin writes for Tech.pinions. “Showing a gal fighting a robot, or a person hijacking a truck to steal a phone, doesn’t necessarily showcase to the end consumer why they should choose this product over another.”

“This latest Samsung commercial (see below) is highly entertaining and a welcomed departure from the usual commercials from iPhone competitors,” Bajarin writes. “That being said, although well intended, I think it misses the broader opportunity and is therefore fundamentally flawed. As I processed this new Galaxy SII commercial, the flaw in their messaging hit me when a would be iPhone buyer in line at an Apple store said this: ‘How will people know I upgraded, since the new one looks the same?'”

Bajarin writes, “Despite a range of other odd moments in the commercial, this one struck me because it leaves me thinking that Samsung is interested in iPhone converts, or at the very least early adopters What is flawed with this commercial is that it makes no sense to the non-techie consumer, the largest part of the market and the one Apple’s commercials are designed to speak communicate with. Samsung shouldn’t be concerned with consumers upgrading from the iPhone 4 to the 4S.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: It’s very simple. As we wrote earlier today

Samsung is concerned with keeping the sheep they have in the pen. “Don’t wander!” That’s all this particular ad is about. Siri’s siren call has created some very restless sheep and that obviously has Samsung spooked.

The target of this commercial is the non-iPhone user, specifically those who have already settled for a Samsung iPhone knockoff, not iPhone owners.

Watch the ad again. It’s clear that Samsung’s intent is to keep their customers from straying.

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