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Barron’s: Apple stock to jump 25 percent over next year

“Shares of a handful of large tech companies including Apple Inc, Oracle Corp and eBay Inc are likely to increase by more than 20 percent over the next year, according to Barron’s,” Lauren Tara LaCapra reports for Reuters. “The financial publication listed 10 tech stocks as its top picks in its weekly edition on Sunday.”

“The No. 1 pick for 2012 is data-storage company Fusion-io Inc, which Barron’s highlighted as a possible takeover target,” LaCapra reports. “The paper placed a $52 price target on Fusion-io over the next year, indicating the stock will more than double.”

“Although Apple’s earnings disappointed investors last week, Barron’s said the stock could rise 25 percent over the next year,” LaCapra reports. “Barron’s cited a likelihood for market-share gains and increased sales of Apple’s latest iPhone model, as well as the potential for share buybacks or a dividend under new Chief Executive Tim Cook.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Don’t hold your breath for Apple to announce share buybacks or a dividend.

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