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Newly revealed patents show Apple prepping FaceTime innovations

“On Oct 13, 2011, the US Patent & Trademark Office published a powerful group of seven Apple patents concerning the next round of FaceTime videoconferencing innovations. Some of these innovations include new PIP controls, new focus and exposure operations and a superimposing feature,” Jack Purcher reports for Patently Apple.

“The depths of these patents are mind numbing as they cover everything from the camera technology and software magic behind FaceTime through to actual user examples,” Purcher reports. “With Microsoft likely to integrate Skype into Windows 8 in 2012 or thereafter, Apple knows that they have to advance FaceTime with important conferencing features for the consumer and the enterprise user in order to stay ahead of the pack.”

Read more in the full article, which includes Apple’s patent application illustrations, here.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Lava_Head_UK” for the heads up.]

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