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Apple predicted Siri intelligent assistant nearly 25 years ago and said it would arrive in 2011 (with video)

“The introduction of Apple’s iPhone 4S earlier this week also saw the first unveiling of the company’s new Siri assistant,” Killian Bell reports for TechnoBuffalo. “The new feature, which is exclusive to the fifth-generation iPhone, has blown us away in Apple’s promotional video, and we can’t wait to get our hands on it.”

Bell reports, “”Siri isn’t just a feature Apple’s been knocking together in the past couple of years. In the video above, the company predicts the Siri assistant — then named the Knowledge Navigator — back in 1987.”

“What’s most amazing about this video is that, if you listen carefully, you’ll hear that the gentleman requests information from an academic paper written around five years ago, in 2006. That makes the year 2011,” Bell reports. “The date on the device is September 16. In reality, Siri was announced on October 4, 2011 — just 25 days after Apple’s prediction in 1987.”

Read more in the full article here.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Hotinplaya” for the heads up.]

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