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Lodsys reply to Apple uses poor evidence, may defeat case

“Lodsys showed potential strain in its lawsuit after it issued a sur-reply to Apple’s own response,” Electronista reports.

“Originally submitted earlier in the month but just discovered Monday, the response makes the questionable claim that Apple can’t motion because some of the app developers sued challenge the validity of the patents,” Electronista reports. “Similarly, it contends that the license it has with Apple doesn’t make it a licensor and makes generic claims towards Apple having not somehow satisfied a ‘heavy burden.'”

Electronista reports, “An exhaustion of defenses at Lodsys could see Apple granted its motion to step into the case and could pose trouble for Lodsys in the end.

Read more in the full article here.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Readers “Fred Mertz” and “Brawndo Drinker” for the heads up.]

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