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Russia designs cheap plastic-based ‘iPad killer’

“A Russian state company plans to start mass production next year of cheap plastic-based tablet computers for school students which it says will rival Apple Inc’s iPad,” Gleb Bryanski reports for Reuters.

“Anatoly Chubais, an architect of Russian market reform and a head of technology conglomerate Rosnano, told Prime Minister Vladimir Putin the new computer would cost about $420 compared with $670 for the cheapest iPad,” Bryanski reports.

MacDailyNews Note: Apple’s iPad starts at US$499.

“‘This tablet is lighter, there is no glass, even in the screen. Even if school students decide to fight each other with these tablets, they are absolutely injury-free,’ Chubais joked in an bid to promote the technology,” Bryanski reports. “The device would use plastic or organic electronics, developed at Cambridge University in the 1990s, rather than silicon conductors. Chubais sees the technology grabbing a 10 percent share of the global electronics market.”

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Bryanski reports, “Chubais said Rosnano will test the new tablet, pre-loaded with school books and education materials, in some schools for a year before launching mass production and targeting Russia’s 13.6 million school students.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Близо́к локото́к, да не уку́сишь. Бодли́вой коро́ве Бог рог не даёт. Ску́пой пла́тит два́жды.


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