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id Software’s Carmack: ‘Unquestionable’ that mobile will surpass current game consoles

“id Software’s John Carmack has taken a greater and greater interest in mobile gaming over the last couple years, and the rate at which the hardware iterates in the smartphone and tablet space has allowed the technology to nearly catch up with consoles,” James Brightman reports for IndustryGamers.

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“In a recent interview with Carmack, IndustryGamers asked whether mobile could become so popular that it’ll one day overtake traditional console gaming,” Brightman reports. “‘That’s one of the things that we do discuss internally a lot and it’s amazing to think that when we started Rage, iOS didn’t exist. There was no iPhone. All of that has happened just in the space of one project development timeline. And that’s a little scary when you think about it, because major landscape change could be happening underneath our feet as we work on these large scale projects,’ noted Carmack. ‘And we’re going to be doing everything we can to constrain our projects more to not take so long… it’s unquestionable that within a very short time, we’re going to have portable cell phones that are more powerful than the current-gen consoles.'”

Read more in the full article here.

[Attribution: MacNN. Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Sarah” for the heads up.]

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