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Work begins to replace iconic Apple Store Fifth Avenue glass cube

“In a stunning development, an expensive construction project has begun at the Fifth Avenue (NYC) Apple store to completely remove the unique and iconic glass cube entrance to the store and to then reinstall it,” Gary Allen reports for ifoAppleStore.

“Permits issued by the city’s Department of Buildings confirm the company will spend $6,661,050 to completely remove the glass and its sophisticated connection hardware, make upgrades to the surrounding plaza structure, and then ‘reinstall’ the cube,” Allen reports. “There is no indication of why the cube is being replaced, either because of safety concerns or simply to upgrade it to current technology. It’s also not clear if the glass panels or the TriPyramid Structures Inc. hardware will be be replaced with new, upgraded versions.”

Allen reports, “Workers appeared on Wednesday evening and began erecting plywood walls around the central area of the plaza that surrounds the glass cube.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Single panes of glass sans mullions?

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