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Scoble: Apple has nothing over Google when it comes to knowing where you really are

“Did you know that on Android apps can talk to your phone’s radios? And that those same APIs are NOT available on Apple or Microsoft’s platforms?” Robert Scoble asks for Scobleizer.

“What does this do? It lets you crowd-source the wireless map of signals in a room. See, if you didn’t know this you can figure out what room of my house you are in just by looking at the WIFI signal,” Scoble reports. “I’ve used an app called Walkbase to demonstrate just how this works.”

Scoble writes, “Google is an intent-satisfaction system if you think about it long enough. Certainly its advertising arm is. What do I mean? Well, if you intend to buy a Nikon camera today Google can help you with that. Or, if you intend to eat dinner tonight at a great sushi place in San Francisco Google can help you with that too.”

“What’s some intent that Google hasn’t been able to help you with? Well, when you walk into a store, for instance, you did that with some intent,” Scoble writes. “So, now that Google knows you’re in a very specific store it could serve you new kinds of advertising and if it tracked you over time it would get better and better at suggesting things to you.”

Read more in the full article here.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Fred Mertz” for the heads up.]

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