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iPad 2 benchmarks destroy Motorola Xoom

iPad 2’s GPU is Imagination Technologies’ PowerVR SGX 543MP2. “Architecturally the 543MP2 has more than twice the compute horsepower of the SGX 535 used in Apple’s A4,” Anand Lal Shimpi reports for AnandTech. As always we turn to GLBenchmark 2.0, a benchmark crafted by a bunch of developers who either have or had experience doing development work for some of the big dev houses in the industry.”

MacDailyNews Note: AnandTech confirmed to MacDailyNews that both the original iPad and the iPad 2 that they benchmarked were running iOS 4.3.

Much more in the full article – recommended – here.

MacDailyNews Take: Xoom is extremely well-named. Soon the only way to see a Xoom will be to dig one up.

Good news for those who have been afflicted with a Motorola Xoom via Verizon Wireless: You may return or exchange your Motorola Xoom purchased from Verizon Wireless within 14 days of purchase. Not-so-good news: A restocking fee of $70 applies to any return or exchange of a Motorola Xoom (excluding Hawaii).

Verizon Wireless offers more info about how to return your Xoom so you can go get the iPad you really wanted here.

[Attribution: Electronista. Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Joe Architect” for the heads up.]

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