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RUMOR Apple to unveil iPad 2 at iOS event next week

“Citing sources within the accessories business, reported Thursday that Apple is planning an event next week to highlight the features of iOS 4.3,” Slash Lane reports for AppleInsider. “The site speculated that the second-generation iPad could be presented as the famous ‘one more thing’ at the end of the event.”

“Apple’s new in-app subscription feature was unveiled on Wednesday with the launch of The Daily for iPad,” Lane reports. “But when asked about when the functionality might become available to other content providers and developers, iTunes chief Eddy Cue declined to comment, saying that Apple would provide more details in the near future. An event for iOS 4.3 could be where those details would be revealed.”

Lane reports, “ does not have an established track record with respect to Apple rumors, though it did obtain parts for a white iPhone 4 in December, and it has also claimed that the ‘iPad 2’ will launch in early April. The alleged timeframe reported Thursday would also fit recent evidence that Apple could launch iOS 4.3 for the iPhone and iPad by Feb. 13.”

Full article here.

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