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Microsoft’s answer to iPad: Clueless PowerPoint slides

Apple Online StoreThis week, ” ZDNet posted a handful of PowerPoint slides aimed at Microsoft resellers who are trying to sell Windows 7 tablets in an iPad-dominated world,” Woody Leonhard writes for Infoworld. “The slides give point-by-point selling tips, painting the iPad as a laggard in the vaunted halls of the enterprise, showing how Windows 7 tablets run rings around the iPad in areas of corporate security, application compatibility, line-of-business applications, and more.”

Leonhard writes, “I believe the slides demonstrate, beyond any doubt, that Microsoft — at least the sales force — has an incurable case of cluelessness.”

“Microsoft is trying to sell a decade-old bloated software design grafted onto decade-old hardware,” Leonhard writes. “The upstart whippersnappers have a simpler, nimbler alternative, that’s finger-swiping easy to use. Sure, some applications in the enterprise need all of that bloat — Office and SharePoint and locked-down security with giant SQL back ends — but many people don’t want the overhead, don’t want the pain, don’t want to waste their time learning arcane details, and just want to get on with it.”

“Corporate IT departments have two choices: They can try to keep the inevitable from happening, throw up organizational roadblocks, and force their users to buy archaic equipment. Or they can run out in front of the band and pretend that they’re leading it,” Leonhard writes. “A year from now, where do you want to be?”

Full article here.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Charles S.” for the heads up.]

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