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Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen refiles lawsuit against Apple, Google, Facebook, eBay, others

“Billionaire Paul Allen today renewed his effort to sue Apple, Google, Facebook, eBay, AOL and other companies for patent infringement,” Brier Dudley reports for The Seattle Times.

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“Allen’s case was rejected on Dec. 10 by a federal judge in Seattle who said it was too vague. U.S. District Court Judge Marsha Pechman told Allen he had until Dec. 28 to file an amended suit,” Dudley reports. “Just meeting the deadline, Allen filed an expanded version of the original suit with more details of how the companies allegedly infringed. The filing also includes 40 exhibits, many of which are screenshots of Web sites with modules highlighted.”

Dudley reports, “Allen’s suit alleges that his patents cover, among other things, systems that automatically call up and display related content… For instance, when viewing a product on Apple’s iTunes store, the store automatically suggests related content that may be of interest. The suit filed today argues that this infringes on at least 20 claims made by a patent Allen holds.”

Full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Dude oughta be suing his dentist.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Readers “Judge Bork” and “Lynn W.” for the heads up.]

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