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Mythical white iPhone 4 will be available spring 2011

Complete your iPad experience with ZAGGmate!“Have you been holding out on iPhone 4 until Apple gets around to releasing the white version?” Anders Bylund asks for The Motley Fool. “You’re in luck — the official word is that the model hasn’t been canceled after all. Yay!”

“Apple stores nationwide are getting some new signage installed right about now, and the fine print on the iPhone posters includes the following tidbit: ‘The white iPhone 4 will be available spring 2011,'” Bylund reports. “So there you have it, straight from the black turtleneck.”

Bylund reports, “But is it even worth the trouble for Apple to push this item through to store shelves? I’m not so sure. ‘Spring 2011’ is potentially just a few weeks away from the expected release of the iPhone 5, iPhone 4G, or whatever the next version will be called.”

Full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: This white unicorn, er, iPhone 4, is rare pooch-screwage by Apple. Until we’re told otherwise, we blame Papermaster.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “JES42” for the heads up.]

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