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Apple has exclusive exclusive digital rights for The Beatles ‘into 2011’

“Apple has exclusive digital rights for the Beatles ‘into 2011,’ says spokesman Dylan Jones, and he notes that the exclusivity doesn’t expire on the first of January,” Peter Kafka reports for AllThingsD. “But he confirms that the exclusivity does indeed have an expiration date.”

Kafka wonders, “So when that date comes, we should expect to see the Beatles everywhere else you can get music online, right? Namely Amazon, and the subscription services that rent music by the month, like Spotify, Rhapsody and Microsoft’s Zune? Or Google, if and when it launches its music service?”

“‘That’s a question, isn’t it,’ Jones says, and doesn’t offer more,” Kafka reports.

Full article, with Kafka’s theories about what could happen when the date hits, here.

The Beatles can be found on Apple’s iTunes Store here.

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