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Acer founder: Apple’s iPad, iPhone are like mutant viruses; PC industry will eventually find cures

Apple Online Store“Acer founder Stan Shih, in a talks with reporters on September 8, commented that Apple’s strong popularity is mainly due to its products such as iPad and iPhone, and these products are like mutant viruses, which are difficult to find a cure for in the short-term, but he believes that PC vendors will eventually find a way to isolate Apple and become immune,” Yen-Shyang Hwang and Joseph Tsai report for DigiTimes.

MacDailyNews Take: Apple’s got them scared to death. We’d say “scared shitless,” but Acer et al. keep releasing products.

Hwang and Tsai report, “Shih pointed out that Apple deserves to be respected, since it has a completely different strategy than other PC brands. Apple CEO Steve Jobs has always been looking for revolution, while other PC brands evolved naturally and are developing products in a more solid way, Shih commented.”

MacDailyNews Take: Solid. As opposed to runny.

Hwang and Tsai report, “Shih used the example of the competition between Microsoft’s Windows and Apple’s Macintosh OS and noted the Apple has always looked down on Windows and believes it lacks creativity. But Windows’ open platform has attracted the adoption of most PC brands, Shih said adding that, Apple’s PC market has turned out to be limited, with a market share far less than the open Windows platform group.”

MacDailyNews Take: Can the founder of a PC company really not understand the difference between market share and revenue share? Apparently, he can. Apple has margins and revenue share about which Shih can only dream. Apple owns the premium personal computer market. Owns. Acer peddles low-grade commodity PCs. If you had a choice, would you rather be Apple, the envy of multiple industries and markets, or a dime-a-dozen PC assembler choke-collared on a leash held tight by Ballmer T. Clown? Tough choice, huh?

Hwang and Tsai report, “Shih noted that Google’s Android operating system is already attracting a lot PC brands to develop related products and this is one of the factors that proves that PC brands will eventually be able to isolate Apple.”

MacDailyNews Take: He doesn’t get it. Obviously, it doesn’t take much to found yet another PC box assembler. Michael Dell, for another example. iOS is not the Mac OS. The critical mass has long ago been achieved. Hundreds of millions of iOS devices are out there. Tens of thousands of developers and third-party accessory makers are catering to the iOS platform. To see how iOS vs. Android will turn out, look not at the Mac, but at iPod.

Hwang and Tsai report, “Shih also predicted that US-based PC vendors will eventually quit the PC market in the long term, and pointed to IBM’s sale of its PC department to Lenovo is one of the signs.”

MacDailyNews Take: And eventually, the sun will sputter out, too. Shih seems to have missed Apple’s record Mac sales; quarter after quarter after quarter…

Full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: If the “cure” for the “Apple product virus” is Acer junk, we hope to be infected forever.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Dow’s iPad” for the heads up.]

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