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Cody Willard: The app bubble cometh

Apple Online Store“Remember in 1996 and 1997, when you’d not only heard of the Internet and its wonders, but you’d actually at some point started using that new ‘browser’ technology to engage the ‘world wide web?’ Yeah, the early adopters had already been ‘surfing the Net’ for years and we were finally hitting “critical mass” for email, as the vast majority of Americans were signing up for their first accounts at AOL, Yahoo, and Hotmail,” Cody Willard writes for MarketWatch.

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“And as all these massses of people around the globe started getting on the Internet and realizing just how massive a marketplace it was becoming and then started to see that we’d never consume telephone services, video (TV, movies, and user-gen), fax, and most any other communication or connective technology the same again, the bubbles started brewing,” Willard writes.

“So get ready for the coming app-bubble,” Willard writes. “I mean, come on, you know that even as the early adopters have been using apps and smartphones for the last few years, it’s just now starting to become a mainstream phenonomon. This year some 250 million people will buy a smartphone, up from 150 million last year and on its way to more than a billion people in less than a decade from now. When was the last time you heard growth statistis for a marketplace that blew your mind like that? Yup, probably back when you first started researching ways to invest in the Internet… Whatever you do, get into apps, right now. The app bubble cometh.”

Full article here.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “iWill” for the heads up.]

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