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Ten free apps you should install on every new Mac

Apple Online Store“Apple provides plenty of free software to get you started with a new Mac,” Tony Smith reports for The Register. “But there are some gaps, and a number of the firm’s own freebies have been improved upon by some equally inexpensive alternatives. Here, then, is our selection of the ten apps you should download onto every new Mac you buy.”

Ten free apps to install on every new Mac:
• Adium
• Skype
• Squared 5 MPEG Streamclip
• Monolingual
• OmniGroup OmniDiskSweeper
• TinkerTool
• Burn
• Stuffit Expander
• Carbon Copy Cloner

Full article, with description of and links to the apps featured above, here.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Fred Mertz” for the heads up.]

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