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Steve Jobs wins approval to apply for permit to demolish his ‘dump’ of a house – again

“A judge has approved computer magnate Steve Jobs’ long-delayed plan to tear down his mansion in Woodside and build a smaller home on the wooded property. But a preservation group is hoping for a last-minute agreement to relocate the 85-year-old house,” Bob Egelko reports for The San Francisco Chronicle.

“The Woodside Town Council first approved his application for a demolition permit in 2004. The council said the building was a historic resource but agreed with Jobs that restoring it would be expensive and economically unworkable,” Egelko reports. “But a group called Save Our Heritage went to court and blocked the demolition. A San Mateo County judge and an appellate court agreed that Jobs had failed to show that tearing the house down was his only practical option.”

Egelko reports, “Jobs then submitted more information to the Town Council, which held public hearings and approved another demolition permit in May 2009. Superior Court Judge Marie Weiner, who had rejected the previous plan, upheld the council’s decision this week.”

“Jobs has also tried for four years to find someone who would relocate and restore the mansion, Weiner said,” Egelko reports. “Her ruling allows Jobs to apply for a demolition permit. Town Manager Susan George said Friday that officials would need some time to review the permit and would require Jobs to save objects of historic interest from the building and turn them over to the town.”

Full article here.

Check out Jonathan Haeber’s mixture of night and day photography of Jobs’ Jackling House here.

MacDailyNews Take: Ever wonder why California’s insolvent? We don’t. The Beatles will come to iTunes Store before The Jackling Dump ever gets razed.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Babakool” for the heads up.]

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