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West London school gives students free iPhone 3GS units, some outsiders complain

Apple Sale“Fancy a free iPhone? If you’re lucky enough to be a student at the right school, you might just be in line for one. One house of learning has just begun trialling the free Apple smartphones for its students in a counter-intuitive bid to stop them procrastinating on their mobiles in class,” Ben Sillis reports for Electricpig.

“A class of 30 students at Gumley House Convent School in West London is being given the free iPhone 3GS models until the end of the academic year next Summer,” Sillis reports. “Instead of banning phones, the aim is to encourage the kids to use their free iPhones in class to aid their learning. How the school envisions a platform which offers a myriad of TV streaming and tower defense gaming apps being used for solely educational purposes is anyone’s guess though.”

MacDailyNews Take: Anyone with at least half a brain doesn’t have to guess, Ben. If you bothered to look for a second rather than act the snide idiot, you’d know that there are thousands of educational apps for iPhone; 7,540 currently, to be exact.

Sillis continues, “Katie Ivens from the Campaign for Real Education said that ‘mobile phones have quite rightly been banned from many classrooms as they prove to be a distraction. The case for learning by computer has not been proved at all.'”

Full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Like Ben, Katie obviously hasn’t done her homework. We have. Please see related articles below.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Lava_Head_UK” for the heads up.]

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