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Analyst: Apple could sell Macs in Wal-Mart

“Apple could eventually sell some Macs in Wal-Mart stores, ‘which could significantly increase distribution and unit shipments,’ Barclays Capital analyst Ben Reitzes asserted in a research note this morning. ‘While we don’t expect an immediate impact this year and believe Apple would need to reposition its line-up first, we believe that closer ties to Wal-Mart makes sense,'” Eric Savitz blogs for Barron’s.

“Reitzes says that expanding the Macs into Wal-Mart will require more sub-$1,000 products to go along with the $599 Mac Mini [sic] and entry level $999 MacBook,” Savitz reports. “Reitzes notes that Apple is more particular about who sells Macs than it is about iPods, and that it would likely start with a pilot program first. But he adds that ‘if done right…we believe that Wal-Mart would clearly benefit Apple due to increased distribution.'”

Full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: We can’t ship junk. There are thresholds we can’t cross because of who we are. The difference is, we don’t offer stripped-down, lousy products.Apple CEO Steve Jobs, August 7, 2007

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