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Was Apple effectively in control of Australia’s Buzzle?

“What do ad-man Siimon Reynolds, Crown Princess Mary of Denmark, the former chief financial officer of Apple Australia, Jim Likidis, and half a dozen ambitious Apple computer resellers have in common?” Vanda Carson asks for The Brisbane Times.

“All were involved in the retail computer chain called Buzzle, which collapsed in March 2001,” Carson reports.

“The saga of its demise has been dissected in the NSW Supreme Court over the past eight days, as part of the $57 million damages suit against Apple Australia taken by the liquidator of Buzzle,” Carson reports.

“Apple Australia and Mr Likidis have been accused of acting as “shadow directors” of Buzzle, or effectively controlling the company while it was insolvent from January 2001 onward,” Carson reports. “If this can be proved, they can be found liable for the debts which Buzzle ran up at the time.”

Full article — from tomorrow, no less — here.

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