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Apple’s Mac OS X Snow Leopard to offer screen recording via QuickTime X

“With the introduction of Snow Leopard, QuickTime Player will assume more of a utilitarian role, with screen recording features reportedly joining the software’s exiting repertoire of basic audio and video capture capabilities,” Sam Oliver reports for AppleInsider.

“People familiar with the latest betas of Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard have been reporting over the past several weeks the addition of a ‘Screen recording’ option in the File menu of the new Quick Time X Player due to ship with the OS overhaul later this summer,” Oliver reports.

“QuickTime X — along with the minimal-interfaced QuickTime X Player (renditions) — leverages media technology pioneered by Apple for the iPhone OS. When it makes its debut on the Mac with Snow Leopard, it’ll offer optimize support for modern audio and video formats resulting in extremely efficient media playback, the company has said,” Oliver reports.

More info in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Note: Currently, we use and recommend shinywhitebox’s iShowU HD (US$29.95, Pro version $59.95) for screen capture. More info here.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “James W.” for the heads up.]

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