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‘Jibbler’ Springboard code points to voice control, speech synthesis in iPhone OS 3.0

“Sources speaking to Ars have discovered evidence of new voice control features coming to iPhone OS 3.0. Apparently going by the code name ‘Jibbler,’ it looks like it will provide not just voice synthesis, but also voice recognition for the upcoming iPhone OS 3.0,” Chris Foresman reports for Ars Technica.

“Jibbler appears be an enhancement to the iPhone SpringBoard application, the Finder-esque app that acts as a launcher and will support the newly announced 3.0 Spotlight search,” Foresman reports.

“There’s no indication whether these voice features will be tied to newer hardware expected this summer or if the features will be compatible with existing iPhone hardware,” Foresman reports. “Besides the coolness factor that the voice control features add to the iPhone, they also bring the promise of voice-controlled dialing.”

Full article here.

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