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Apple’s 3G iPod shuffle unboxing and dissection

iFixIt got their hands on a brand-new 3G iPod shuffle and wondered what was inside.

A selection of iFixIt’s notes:
• The box is as dainty as its contents.
• A single MacBook Pro 17″ weighs as much as 286 of these shuffles.
• We gave it a quick listen before tearing it apart.
• The shuffle does not say iPod (or shuffle) anywhere. As far as we know, this is the first iPod that Apple didn’t label.
• Normal headphones can still be used to listen to music. The only drawback: without Apple’s proprietary headphone playback control, you will not be able to change songs or adjust the volume.

MacDailyNews Note: Apple is working on an “inexpensive” headphone lead that contains the necessary controls along with a standard jack into which you can plug your favorite headphones. The company is also reportedly working with third-party headphone makers looking to create iPod shuffle-compatible headphones.

• Amazingly, at least on our scale, both halves weighed 5 grams. That means the entire functional half of the iPod weighs only about 10% more than a single sheet of letter size paper.

Full article, with many photos, here.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Alan” for the heads up.]

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