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RUMOR: Apple Macbook Pro to get Macbook Air-like keyboard

“We have received some new information regarding Apple’s Macbook and Macbook Pro models, which have been long overdue for a design overhaul. Although the current case design is nearly flawless on both, rumors have continued to circulate about complete case refreshes for both machines,” Aviv reports for MacBlogz.

“We have spoken with a connected source close to us, and they tell us that the Macbook Pro will, ‘100% have a Macbook Air-like keyboard. Feeling more like the Macbook’s current keyboard, yet offering backlight,'” Aviv reports.

“We asked about the track-pad but they shrugged it off as if it was no big deal. Almost indicating that the current track-pad might be sufficient in Apple’s opinion. We also asked if they could confirm a launch date, to no avail,” Aviv reports. “We think it would only make sense for the Macbook Pro to inherit the Air’s track-pad. And based on Apple’s past history, the end-of-the-summer (right before school starts) launch date seems pretty accurate.”

More in the full article here.

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