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Why aren’t there any good Twitter web clients for Apple iPhone?

“Twitter and the iPhone seem, at a glance, a perfect match: bite-sized micro-content paired with the world’s best mobile web reader. But here’s the thing: there’s not yet a single good iPhone Twitter client,” John Gruber writes for Daring Fireball.

Gruber writes, “The main things I want in a Twitter interface on my iPhone, roughly in order:”

• A readable, attractive list of tweets, with the ability to page back to previous tweets so I can catch up if I haven’t looked at Twitter in a while.
• A good text input field for posting, including a live character count and responsive typing speed.
• The ability to mark tweets as favorites.
• An easy way to create @username replies.
• A way to view a list of replies directed at me.

Gruber writes, “There’s not a single available Twitter client for the iPhone that offers all of the above. And the single biggest problem is out of the hands of third-party developers: paging.”

Gruber writes, “ is the best site for reading tweets, even though it’s not iPhone-optimized at all, simply because it allows for paging. But it’s the worst site for posting. Hahlo and PocketTweets are the best for posting, but because the Twitter API doesn’t allow for paging, no third-party client is good for reading.”

Much, much more in the full article, including screenshots, here.

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[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “RadDoc” for the heads up.]

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