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Microsoft figurehead Bill Gates sees next version of Windows ‘sometime in the next year or so’

“Microsoft Corp. co-founder Bill Gates said on Friday he expected the new version of Windows operating software, code-named Windows 7, to be released ‘sometime in the next year or so,'” Michael Christie reports for Reuters.

“Gates’ comments suggested that a successor to the Vista program might be released sooner than was generally expected,” Christie reports.

“Microsoft has said it expected to release a new version of Windows approximately 3 years after the introduction of Vista in January 2007. A company spokeswoman said Gates’ comments are in line with a development cycle that usually releases a test version of the software before its official introduction,” Christie reports.

“‘I’m superenthused about what it will do in lots of ways,’ Gates said,” Christie reports. “‘That’ll be sometime in the next year or so that we’ll have a new version,’ Gates said in response to a question from the audience.”

“He said new versions of Windows would help revolutionize mobile phones and run the desk of the future, which would have a touch surface display allowing users to call up items using their hands,” Christie reports.

Full article here.

Superenthused? Gee, oh, golly, oh, wow, Buddy, neato!

Bill Gates is to cool as Dracula is to dead.

Plus, he’s a functionally derivative liar who’s currently trying to buy his way into heaven with ill-gotten gains, thinks it’s still 1995, and who really ought to get busy checking into that darkened Vegas hotel room to start growing his fingernails to absurd lengths, thereby sparing us all the torture of having to listen to any more of his doddering nonsense.

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