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Microsoft licenses Flash Lite from Adobe for mobile phones

“What wasn’t good enough for Steve Jobs seems just fine for Microsoft, as it takes this opportunity to embed a version of Adobe’s streaming video technology into its future mobile Web browsers, right alongside Adobe’s rival Silverlight,” Scott M. Fulton reports for BetaNews.

MacDailyNews Take: What else is new? “Good enough” (even when it isn’t) is Microsoft’s mantra. Apple doesn’t settle for “good enough.”

Fulton continues, “”More and more, Microsoft is making a very visible effort to play nice, or at least nicer, by making room for its rivals alongside its own technology. This morning, it let Adobe hail the latest move rather than horde the megaphone, announcing that Adobe is licensing its Flash Lite mobile graphics platform to Microsoft for use, apparently, in a future mobile Web browser.”

Full article here.

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