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Steve Jobs’ Macworld Expo keynote speech leaked online or just a hoax?

“It’s either an incredibly elaborate hoax or Apple Inc.’s CEO Steve Jobs is one unhappy camper this morning: It appears notes for his highly anticipated Macworld keynote address may have been leaked onto the internet last night, posting on the popular online encyclopedia web site Wikipedia,” Jim Goldman reports for CNBC.

MacDailyNews Note: This is actually at least the second time it has been posted after being removed last Thursday. See Apple CEO Steve Jobs’ Macworld keynote leaked? – January 10, 2008

Goldman continues, “No one knows whether the purported “draft notes” of the keynote are legit since Jobs’ keynote is normally one of the best kept secrets in the tech world. But these notes mirror much of the speculation making the rounds about what to expect when Jobs takes the stage Tuesday morning in San Francisco.”

Goldman covers what the purported leak outlines — and offers an online poll, “Do you think Steve Jobs’ speech was leaked or is it a big hoax?” — in his full article here.

We’ll know for sure if this is real or just a hoax soon enough.

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