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Apple MacBook is Amazon’s No. 1 top-selling computer this Christmas Eve

“Despite fierce competition from machines with more than twice the memory and price points hundreds of dollars lower, Apple’s white 120 GB MacBook has captured the top spot on Amazon’s list of bestselling computers this Christmas eve,” Philip Elmer-DeWitt reports for Fortune.

Full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Elmer-Dewitt likely knows, but fails to mention, that Apple’s MacBook is like getting two (or more) computers for one, as it’s the only portable computer on the list (besides Apple’s MacBook Pro) that can run all the world’s OSes (however inferior to Mac OS X they may be) and all the world’s software. No PC laptop maker on earth can match that value.

Apple’s MacBook is easily the best portable in its price class, people are finally realizing it, and that’s why it’s #1 on Amazon.

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