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CNET reviews Apple’s Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard: ‘Excellent’

“Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard is Apple’s first major operating system upgrade since Tiger more than two years ago. The changes include more than 300 new features which, while not earth-shattering, further streamline the experience of using a Mac,” Elsa Wenzel reports for CNET Reviews.

“Should you pay for Leopard? If you’re happy with the way Tiger works, then maybe not. If you need Bootcamp, however, then you must have Leopard. And if you’re considering the purchase of a new computer, Leopard makes Macs more enticing than Tiger did. Plus, Leopard makes it far easier to find documents and applications than Windows Vista. Leopard’s interface niceties made the daily mechanics of using the computer more pleasurable. Mundane chores, such as finding files and backing up data, become a visual treat,” Wenzel reports.

“The grace of Leopard’s interface enhancements makes productivity more pleasurable with a Mac, as more than 300 functional and fun features top off this update,” Wenzel reports.

CNET Reviews give’s Apple’s Mac OS X Leopard a score of 8 out of 10, “Excellent.”

Full review here.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Island Girl” for the heads up.]

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