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18-year-old Mac fan’s ad posted to YouTube becomes Apple TV spot for iPod touch

“The idea that you do not have to be a professional to create a good commercial is becoming widespread, in a trend known as consumer-generated content. Leave it to Apple to paraphrasing the company’s old slogan a bit think differently,” Stuart Elliott reports for The New York Times.

“A television commercial for the new iPod Touch from Apple, scheduled to begin running on Sunday, 10-28 is being created by the longtime Apple agency, TBWA/Chiat/Day. It is based on a commercial that an 18-year-old English student and Apple devotee named Nick Haley, who says he got his first Macintosh when he was 3 created on his own one day last month,” Elliott reports.

“His spot offers a fast-paced tour of the abilities of the iPod Touch, set to a song titled ‘Music Is My Hot, Hot Sex’ by a Brazilian band, CSS,” Elliott reports. “Mr. Haley said he was inspired to make the commercial by a lyric in the song, ‘My music is where I’d like you to touch.'”

iPod touch Ad – Nick Haley:

“The commercial based on Mr. Haley’s spot will be seen on football games Sunday afternoon and on “Desperate Housewives” and Game 4 of the World Series that night. It is also to be shown in Europe and Japan,” Elliott reports.

Elliott reports, “As for how faithful the professional spot is to the amateur version, Mr. Clow said, ‘we didn’t mess with his content’ because ‘it has a charm to it, a youthful fun.’ The changes include more polished editing and filming the new version in high definition.”

Full article here.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Robert” for the heads up.]

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