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‘It’s About Time’ to learn the Switch to Mac

Do you have some Windows-suffering friends and/or family? It’s about time the madness ended. Help stamp out PC Stockholm Syndrome once and for all.

“It’s About Time” to learn the Switch to Mac, from “It’s About Time” Products, is the first and only completely interactive learning tool that guides users through a typical day in Windows (idealized, without the crashes, security issues, virus scanning, etc.); then, teaches the equivalent on your Mac. So in about an hour, Windows to Mac switchers can become familiar with the basics of using their new Macs.

As users progress through the learning tool, the onscreen instructor shows them the steps they went through to complete a task in Windows; then, teaches how the same task is performed on a Mac. The best part is, right after the instructor walks the user through a lesson, they can try it themselves and receive immediate feedback.

Here’s what’s covered:
• Using Mail to configure and check e-mail
• Scheduling events with e-mail alarms in iCal
• Adding contacts to your Address Book
• Changing your desktop background and right-clicking
• Organizing files in your home folder
• Locating all of your applications
• Using the Dock to quickly open your favorite applications
• Browsing the web using Safari
• Finding anything on your Mac with Spotlight
• Exposé
• Dashboard and Widgets

“It’s About Time” to learn the Switch to Mac retails for US$29.95.

System Requirements
• Mac OS X v10.4.4 or later
• 1.25 GHz or faster PowerPC G4 or G5 or Intel Core Duo processor
• 512MB RAM
• 200MB free hard-disk space
• 1280 x 720 or higher display resolution

More info via Apple Store online: “It’s About Time” to learn the Switch to Mac.

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