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ChangeWave surveys show massive consumer, corporate demand for Apple iPhone


“We have the results of two recent ChangeWave surveys – an April consumer survey on smart phone demand among consumers, and a May corporate survey on smart phone buying trends for businesses,” Jim Woods and Paul Carton report for Changewave Alliance.

;The continued rivalry among industry leaders has RIM (33%) holding onto its consumer market share lead over Palm (29%) – with Motorola (8%), Samsung (5%) and Nokia (3%) trailing by wide margins,” Woods and Carton report.

“In a startling finding, our April consumer survey shows one-in-four (26%) potential smart phone purchasers say they’ll opt for the iPhone – immediately catapulting Apple into a first place tie with industry leader Research in Motion (26%),” Woods and Carton report.

“Looking at future company purchase plans, it appears the Apple iPhone will also hit the business market with a splash. An impressive 9% of Alliance members who report their company is purchasing smart phones in the 3rd Quarter say they plan to buy the iPhone,” Woods and Carton report.

“Similar to the consumer side, Apple’s future gains do not appear like they’ll take a bite out of RIM’s corporate market share (26%; down 1-pt), but do appear set to hurt Palm (19%; down 3-pts) and Motorola (16%; down 3-pts),” Woods and Carton report.

MacDailyNews Take: Color us “un-startled.” Others, however…

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