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Apple iPhone: The best business phone

Apple Store“So Microsoft is out there saying that the iPhone is useless and irrelevant to business or lacks business savvy,” AJ blogs for Marketcircle. “Maybe they need to be more clear and argue that the iPhone is irrelevant to the enterprise. I can buy that argument, but business in general, especially small business? I don’t and can’t buy that argument. My stance is that the iPhone is the best small business phone out there. The reason: It’s flipping easy to use!”

“iPhone has the multi-tasking Mac OS X at its core. Mac OS X already trumps Microsoft’s Desktop OS, never mind their mobile OS. You can already read MS Word documents with Mac OS X out of the box using TextEdit. As a developer, I can tell you the .doc reading capabilities are right in Cocoa. You can open PowerPoint documents in Keynote and I’m sure Apple has something up their sleeve for Excel documents,” AJ writes.

AJ writes, “The iPhone OS is plenty capable. I think it’s a matter of timing. Apple is releasing the most powerful OS a mobile device has ever seen. That in itself is a major challenge, never mind dealing with developer kits and whatnot. Let them get the basics right first.”

“We all know that there are more consumers and small business users than there are enterprise users,” AJ writes. “The iPhone has everything that a small business needs… When the time is right and the economics make sense, I’m willing to bet dollars to donuts that Apple will have a process of getting third party apps on the iPhone.”

“So again – why is the iPhone is the most important small business phone? Because more business users will use it because they want to use it, instead of being forced to use it,” AJ writes.

AJ writes, “Microsoft must be worried about Apple delivering a better OS on a device than they can on a desktop, otherwise why bother with all the FUD?”

Full article here.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Rainy Day” for the heads up.]
When all you have is FUD, FUD is all you have. One of our favorite lines: “Mac OS X already trumps Microsoft’s Desktop OS, never mind their mobile OS.”

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