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RUMOR: Don’t hold your breath for Apple’s next-gen multi-touch iPod

“Contrary to persistent rumor and speculation, Apple Inc. does not plan to introduce a sixth-generation of its flagship video iPod digital music player any time soon,” Kasper Jade and Prince McLean report for AppleInsider.

“People consistently familiar with the iPod maker’s future music directions say rough estimates for the new video and music player are tracking for the third calendar quarter of the year,” Jade and McLean report.

Jade and McLean report, “At the same time, however, other well-placed sources have approached specific time frames with caution, explaining that a mix of uncertainties — in particular those relating to the roll-out of iPhone — could leave consumers hung up till early next year.”

“Although Apple eventually intends to break widescreen video capabilities away from the iPhone for a device of similar proportions, sans the cellular capabilities, expectations of first-half 2007 launch are said to be overly ambitious,” Jade and McLean report. “Those people familiar with the matter say such a move would serve only to dilute the value of the iPhone and, similarly, the device’s worth to wireless carrier AT&T.”

Full article here.
Our educated guess is that early next year is simply too long for Apple to wait. Look for 6G iPods in time for holiday 2007 shopping at the latest.

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Who wants an Apple iPhone minus the phone? – February 21, 2007

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