Google launches official Apple Mac blog

On the newly launched “Official Google Mac Blog,” Scott Knaster, Technical Writer, and Rose Yao, Mac Product Manager write:

If you sit down at your Mac, start up your browser, and search for “Google mission statement,” this is what you’ll see:

“Google’s mission is to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.”

We’re pretty serious about that mission, including the “universally accessible” part. It means making products that everyone can use – including Mac users. We want to provide great products and services to the tens of millions of Mac users around the world, because it’s the right thing to do, and because Mac users inside and outside Google demand it. That’s why we’ve recruited some of the best, most passionate Mac people out there for a Mac Engineering team. You can already check out the first results of their efforts at :

• A handy set of Dashboard widgets for checking Gmail, posting to your blog, and checking your search history
• Two ways to upload photos from your Mac to Picasa Web Albums
• A cool Google Notifier that alerts you to new Gmail messages and (a Mac-only feature) upcoming Google Calendar events

In addition to these, you might have noticed some other Mac goodness showing up in Google products such as Safari support for Google Calendar , full Mac support for Google Video, and the Mac version of Google Earth. These upgrades are the result of more work by Google’s Mac Engineering team and friends.

We’re thrilled to have our Mac team in place, and they’re just getting started. Watch this blog to keep up with the latest about everything Google is doing to support Mac users.

Visit the Google Mac Blog here.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Sam” for the heads up.]


  1. From the Google Mac Blog:

    “Blogs We Read

    Mac Minute
    The Unofficial Apple Weblog
    Infinite Loop
    Daring Fireball
    Mac OS X Hints
    Version Tracker

    Where’s MacDailyNews?

  2. Didn’t someone say recently how many unique views MDN attracted each month? If those astoundingly high figures were to be believed, Google would be mad not to read it.

    Until then, the pleasure is all ours!

  3. I agree with Mac4life….MDN is the first Mac related thing I read. I love their take on things whether I agree with them or not. I hope they never change. I also like the Mac community that writes in…mainly because they send in some pretty funny lines. Even the PC trolls add to the site…the people you love to hate ” width=”19″ height=”19″ alt=”grin” style=”border:0;” />

    Keep on Rockin MDN…you are doing this RIGHT!

  4. I visit this site an average of three or four times a day – that’s including the only one or twice on Sat & Sun – and post at a couple of times a day. That this was a “blog” did not occur to me until this article pointed it out. I’d thought of it as a “news aggregator”, like the Google or My Yahoo! front pages, rather than as a “blog”. Hmmph! Ya learn something new every day.

    Google coming around is a Good Thing. They have some good tools available but few have been available on the Mac, fewer still with Safari.

  5. Hey, MDN is my first stop to read the latest on Macs and more;
    but my second favorite Mac site these days is
    Roughly Draftet

    I am totally confident that the Google Mac Blog will list MDN in
    the list of places they vsit soon (or sooner than later)

    And they could do a lot worse than to add Roughly Drafted to
    their list also as soon as they get to update their layouts.

    On a separate topic: where is Neo this days and why isn’t he
    telling us about the Next Wave with iTV and 1802.11n and the
    iPhone and little green engineers working at night in Cupertino
    on a twenty first century version of the Newton?

  6. The Google Mail widget rocks — I can take a peek at it while I’m working and decide whether I actually want to open a Safari window to read any of it more closely. Only thing that would be better would be if I could delete emails straight from the widget, but I’m the demanding sort…

  7. I always come to MDN first because they cover everything of relevance, plus other things that, while technically not relevant, are entertaining to read, such as the latest Microsoft/Sony/Creative/Real screwup.

    Sometimes, if I’m bored, I load up MacSurfer. I never find anything newsworthy there that hasn’t been covered here.

  8. It’s always good to read about more people developing for the Macintosh platform. I love Google and use it almost daily. I especially like what they’ve done with their software, making it available to all of us. Keep up the good work.

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