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Microsoft demos Windows Vista on Apple MacBook Pro

At a presentation of the oft-delayed Windows Vista and Office 2007 for a group of bloggers at Microsoft HQ in Diegem, Belgium, Microsoft “actully loaded Windows Vista on a piece of Mac hardware and presented with it,” according to a brief report from UNEASYsilence.

More photos can be found on Flickr here.

MacDailyNews Take: Not a smart move by Microsoft. This story will help Joe Average see that his next computer should be a “Twofer” Apple Mac that can run Mac OS X and Windows Vista.

Now, Windows Vista can’t hold a candle to Mac OS X Tiger (or Jaguar, for that matter) and Mac OS X Leopard is on the way, no less. We all know what happens when someone actually tries a Mac and can compare it to Windows: they overwhelmingly choose the Mac. Is Microsoft trying to help Apple first embrace and then extinguish Windows or is this just another sign that Microsoft has lost it?

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