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Patched in mid-2005 by Apple, Symantec warns ‘Inqtana-A’ worm could be ‘beginning of a trend’

“A second Mac security threat has appeared. Security experts at Sophos have issued protection against this second Mac OS X worm, which is called ‘Inqtana-A,'” Macworld UK reports. “This worm spreads among Macs using a Bluetooth vulnerability (known as CAN-2005-1333), it appeared within days of the discovery of the Mac OS Leap-A Trojan last week. Once again, the threat isn’t critical. The Bluetooth flaw the worm exploits was addressed by Apple in mid-2005, when the company released a patch to protect against it. This means the worm is unlikely to spread successfully. Sophos warns that Mac users should keep their software up to date, applying Apple Security and OS updates as they are released.”

Full article here.

“F-Secure and Symantec have both called Inqtana a “proof-of-concept” worm, saying that it is just an example of a potential attack code, and probably won’t be any treat to users. Symantec Security Response director, Vincent Weafer, however, believes that this could be the beginning of a trend,’ TeleClick reports. ‘We have speculated that attackers would turn their attention to other platforms, and two back-to-back examples of malicious code targeting Macintosh OS X this week illustrates this emerging trend,’ Weafer warned.”

Full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: A proof-of-concept worm that is no threat to users and was patched in mid-2005 “could be the beginning of a trend?” Give us a break.

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Related MacDailyNews articles:
OSX.Leap.A: a near miss for Mac users – February 18, 2006
Apple: ‘Leap-A’ not a virus; only accept files from vendors and Web sites that you know and trust – February 16, 2006

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