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Apple iPod nano 32GB possible in second half 2006? Samsung unveils new flash memory NAND chips

“Samsung Electronics Co. on Monday unveiled a new flash memory chip it says will double storage capacity on portable music players and other mobile devices,” The Associated Press reports. “Memory cards containing multiple 16-gigabit NAND chips mean ‘you will be able to take your entire music and personal video libraries with you,’ Chang-Gyu Hwang, president of the company’s semiconductor operations, told reporters.”

“For example, the company said that by combining 16 such devices on a memory card with a density of up to 32GB it would be possible to store 200 years worth of an average-sized daily newspaper, 8,000 MP3 music files or 20 DVD movies,” The Associated Press reports. “The company said it plans to begin mass producing the chips in the second half of 2006.”

Apple’s iPod nano 4GB uses NAND flash memory from Samsung.

[UPDATE: 4:05pm ET: updated headline to clarify potential 32GB max. storage potential.]

Full article here.

Advertisement: Apple iPod nano. 1,000 songs. Impossibly small. From $199. Free shipping.

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