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Google doubles Gmail storage capacity to 2 GB per user

“A year after unveiling a free e-mail service with a full gigabyte of storage, Google Inc. (GOOG) is doubling the capacity of each account and plans to keep bumping up the limit in the future,” Matthew Fordahl reports for The Associated Press. “Once the upgrade takes effect Friday [April 1], Gmail users will be able to store up to 2 gigabytes of e-mail and attachments for each account. Even more capacity will be made available after that as it becomes feasible, the company said. ‘Our goal is to make sure storage is no longer an issue for Web mail users,’ said Marissa Mayer, Google’s director of consumer Web products,” Matthew Fordahl reports for The Associated Press.

Full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Here’s hoping that Apple takes another look at the 250 MB of combined iDisk and .Mac Mail storage they are currently offering. Of course, .Mac offers much more than just email and online storage for the US$99 annual fee. Learn more about all the things you can do with .Mac here. To provide feedback to Apple regarding .Mac, please click here.

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