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Helixent pulls iFlicks (iTunes for movies), halts distribution, leaving only a cryptic message

iFlicks made it easy to store and browse all your video files. You simply dragged a movie into iFlicks, and it was automatically imported into your library. Once it was there, you could easily categorize the movie with a variety of information, such as title, episode, director, cast, genre, and much more. iFlicks supported a variety of video formats, including QuickTime (.mov), Audio Video Interleave (.avi), MPEG-1, MPEG-2, MPEG-4, and DV. Think “iTunes for movies” and you’ve got the picture. Apple’s Mac OS X downloads site still has the screenshot here.

iFlicks is no longer available. A cryptic note on the developer’s website reads:

Helixent Technologies is sorry to report that iFlicks is no longer available, at least for the time being. Due to a situation that has arisen, we have made the decision to halt further distribution of iFlicks.

We would like to note, to the people who have already installed and/or purchased iFlicks, that we are not aware of any serious technical problems with iFlicks. If you have a copy, it will continue to function as normal. The situation that has caused us to cease distribution of iFlicks is in no way something that will cause undesirable effects to any computer in which iFlicks is installed and/or running.

At this point, we can not say for certain what the future holds for iFlicks. We were and are really excited about the capabilities it provides in allowing people to organize and play movies. Ideally, iFlicks will return in the coming months, as an even better and more useful application. However, we are still looking into our options to resolve the issue we are having, and cannot make any promises. We can make one assertion, though. If and when iFlicks returns, it will be a free upgrade to anyone who has already purchased a copy.

Unfortunately, at this time, we cannot provide further details as to why we have made the decision to halt distribution of iFlicks. As soon as we are aware of further details which we can make public, we will post the information to this page. If you are concerned or otherwise interested, just periodically check back to the iFlicks web site.

We’d like to thank everyone who has expressed their support and satisfaction with iFlicks. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes, and we hope that we can make it up to you in the future. Unfortunately, the situation at hand has forced us to make this very disappointing decision.

Helixent Technologies site here.

MacDailyNews Take: Hmmmm…

(Thanks to Paul from for the heads up.)

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