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Apple leads in traffic to computer manufacturers’ sites

“Apple Computer Inc. led in number of unique visitors to computer hardware manufacturers’ web sites, with 4.5 million, for the week ended Aug. 15, Nielsen/NetRatings reports. Dell Inc. ranked second with 2.9 million visitors, followed by Hewlett-Packard Co., with 1.9 million, Gateway Inc., 453,000; Sun Microsystems Inc., 414,000; and XBOX, 396,000,” reports.

“Apple also led in the average time per visit, at 13 minutes, 15 seconds, followed by Dell, at 12 minutes, 14 seconds; HP, 8 minutes, 54 seconds; Gateway, 5 minutes, 44 seconds; XBOX, 4 minutes, 53 seconds; and Sun Microsystems, 3 minutes, 7 seconds,” reports.

Full article here.

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