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‘The Widget Man’ Konfabulator / Dashboard song parody posted

“Recently, Apple announced Mac OS X 10.4, dubbed Tiger. Though it seems awesome to me, it shocked many by introducing a feature called Dashboard, which is basically a better-integrated, more efficient version of the shareware application Konfabulator, though it still bears a striking resemblance. People have pointed out the differences, expressed sympathy for Arlo, the programmer, and expressed apathy as well,” Dan Grover writes on

“In any case, I thought it would be fun to write a song parody, in the fashion of David Pogue, about the whole controversy. To my knowledge, Arlo wasn’t actually at WWDC (nor was I), but it made for an entertaining song. Enjoy,” Grover writes.

Read and hear the song here.

MacDailyNews Take: We liked Konfabulator (until it broke our MacDailyNews Widget – they’ve promised to have it fixed in version 1.7.1, due “soon”), but found it a somewhat “messy” implementation. We ended up not using Konfabulator as much as we initially thought we would because it littered our desktop and our frequent switches between monitors and monitor-spanning with our PowerBooks made things “messy.” We like Apple’s approach better, and it seems a lighter app from a resource standpoint than Konfabulator, from what we’ve seen at WWDC. As to whether Apple “stole” it we’ll leave it to you to decide, but read this Daring Fireball article first.

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