Google follows Apple yet again in requiring developers to have app privacy labels

What to know where Google’s going next? It’s simple: just look where Apple was a few years ago.

Apple skates to where the puck will be, and Google follows Apple’s skate marks. Apple paints original masterpieces, and Google paints by Apple’s numbers.

Apple's privacy nutrition label requires every app — including Apple’s — to give users an easy-to-view summary of the developer’s privacy practices.
Apple’s privacy nutrition label requires every app — including Apple’s — to give users an easy-to-view summary of the developer’s privacy practices.

Adam Smith for The Independent:

Google will be introducing the same privacy labels that Apple brought to the iPhone and iPad this year.

Apple’s “nutrition labels” are aimed at giving users more information about what data an app collects. Google will now inform users of the same thing: whether an app collects data on a user’s location, contacts, personal information, photo and videos, audio files, or storage files.

All apps on the Google Play store, including the company’s own, will be required to share this information and provide a privacy policy. The feature will roll out in 2022.

Google might be following Apple’s footsteps in providing “nutrition labels,” but it has not gone as far as the Cupertino smartphone manufacturer. Apple’s iOS 14.5 update brought with it App Tracking Transparency, which forces developers to ask permission to see the unique identifier that tracks usage between apps.

This identifier is used by companies to show people ads, and as such has put it in battle with advertising giants such as Facebook. Google also makes a huge amount of money from advertising, reportedly netting $29.95 billion in revenue in 2019.

MacDailyNews Take: Apple creates whole new barrels, and Google scrapes their bottoms.


    1. In some cases others clear a shoulder wide path through the overgrowth, and then Apple comes along and widens it into a six lane paved highway. This makes it much easier for a road warrior such as yourself.

    2. Google likes to “follow” and it has never been shown to be related selflessness or benevolence.

      What’s up that sleeve, the observant person cynically ponders?

    1. Unlike the prevailing opinion here, the tech giants have compartmentalized their activities – at the same time they are competing and cooperating on different things. No company has any intention of snuffing out another. Quite the opposite.

      For example, Apple has chosen for years to keep Google as the default search engine on iOS. For a company that supposedly protects user privacy, that sets off alarm bells for me. There are at least 3 other independent search engines Apple could leverage to stop feeding Google your data, and they aren’t even listed as options in the iOS settings. Apple has had decades to develop or buy its own search engine and instead it uses its money on stock buybacks. Actions speak louder than words. To Apple leadership, user experience has taken a back seat to the money. Always the money.

      Google obviously is living very well under “Apple’s deep shadow”. Very, very well.

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