Apple is developing rooftop solar in Taiwan for soy sauce facility

Debby Wu and Miaojung Lin for Bloomberg:

Apple Inc. is developing rooftop solar arrays with Taiwan’s Wan Ja Shan Brewery Co., best known for its popular soy sauce, as the Cupertino company boosts its use of renewable energy.

The 50,000-square-meter soy sauce facility that will carry solar panels on its roof is located in the southern Taiwanese county of Pingtung, Wan Ja Shan Brewery manager Tony Chung told Bloomberg News.

The partnership was first revealed by the U.S.-based Center for Resource Solutions, which says it is working with Apple to verify and certify its renewable energy projects in Singapore and Taiwan.

MacDailyNews Take: Clean soy sauce!


    1. It has been a solar tech company for years, committed to getting as much renewable-sourced electricity online as its operations consume. That involves contracts with property owners who can provide sites for the wind turbines, solar cells, or whatever. In a built up environment like Taiwanese cities, that means companies with large flat roofs. Apple will buy enough power to offset its usage and the property owner can use or sell the surplus.

      1. Yes, I have a lot of direct experience in advising Trim Cook to embrace solar panels. Told him about it in 1982 before he went to Compaq and before Apple, I knew it was going to be a major environmental thing. I rammed the important of this at Tim and he took it like a champ, telling me he knew that one day the sun would be shining out of my assumption that it was the next big thing. And I was right!

  1. No, Mr. D asks a pretty good question. It would be less remarkable if the solar project was with one of Apple’s partners, but working with a soy sauce factory that has nothing to do with ANY of Apple’s businesses to date, isolates the importance of the solar project. Considering how Apple has developed/employed so broadly and successfully in renewables for itself, Wouldn’t it, couldn’t it be logical that Apple would offer such a product/service to the general market?

    1. Yes. Apple is now a contractor, I think for the first time and, if so, contracting out its servics is totally Tim Cook initiative. Who would have thought? Which means it has nothing to do with Jobs. This, along with the Apple Card, gives credence to those who say that Apple — at lest in these two things — is becoming Tim’s company.

      But I still think that Cook’s assertion that the iPad is an adequate replacement for a Mac is a blatant PR lie.

        1. I still think Dingler’s assertion that his amateurish creations and public bumblings are an adequate replacement for being a merely competent human being is a blatant piece of absolutely true delusion on his part.

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